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Kpopalypse anniversary celebration and metrics post for 2015


It’s time to celebrate as Kpopalypse blog is turning 3 years old!  Here’s a post full of all the special secret website data as a present to say thank you to YOU, the readers!


Websites collect lots of fun data about their readers, but most sites don’t bother to share any of this stuff because they want to keep it all to themselves (or sell it to third-parties for a profit).  However Kpopalypse doesn’t give a crap about any of that, so it’s time to share secret Kpopalypse data!  Firstly, what countries visited Kpopalypse blog the most during 2015?

Country Views
United States FlagUnited States 272,324
Singapore FlagSingapore 64,009
Malaysia FlagMalaysia 53,914
Canada FlagCanada 53,395
Indonesia FlagIndonesia 51,331
United Kingdom FlagUnited Kingdom 48,152
Australia FlagAustralia 47,171
Philippines FlagPhilippines 33,519
Germany FlagGermany 17,050
Brazil FlagBrazil 16,980
France FlagFrance 14,041
Mexico FlagMexico 12,005
Thailand FlagThailand 10,716
European Union FlagEuropean Union 10,094
Netherlands FlagNetherlands 9,842
Hong Kong SAR China FlagHong Kong SAR China 9,082
Sweden FlagSweden 8,650
South Korea FlagSouth Korea 8,409
New Zealand FlagNew Zealand 8,327
Poland FlagPoland 8,244
Vietnam FlagVietnam 8,074
Japan FlagJapan 6,060
Spain FlagSpain 5,606
Italy FlagItaly 5,322
Russia FlagRussia 5,189
Finland FlagFinland 4,287
Portugal FlagPortugal 4,224
Turkey FlagTurkey 3,982
India FlagIndia 3,880
Romania FlagRomania 3,716
Norway FlagNorway 3,508
Taiwan FlagTaiwan 3,057
Denmark FlagDenmark 2,911
Peru FlagPeru 2,725
Chile FlagChile 2,539
Brunei FlagBrunei 2,531
Argentina FlagArgentina 2,512
Colombia FlagColombia 2,012
Belgium FlagBelgium 1,964
United Arab Emirates FlagUnited Arab Emirates 1,937
Greece FlagGreece 1,843
Croatia FlagCroatia 1,719
Myanmar (Burma) FlagMyanmar (Burma) 1,676
Hungary FlagHungary 1,662
Saudi Arabia FlagSaudi Arabia 1,643
Venezuela FlagVenezuela 1,597
Czech Republic FlagCzech Republic 1,595
Austria FlagAustria 1,557
Switzerland FlagSwitzerland 1,287
Ireland FlagIreland 1,284
South Africa FlagSouth Africa 1,161
Serbia FlagSerbia 1,066
China FlagChina 1,051
Nicaragua FlagNicaragua  1,009

Hopefully you’ll find your completely awesome country somewhere in the list above!  Countries not listed here didn’t show enough determination – although I’m completely impressed by the high determination levels of the 15 people who visited my site from Syria this year!

Which posts were the most popular on Kpopalypse blog during 2015?  Here’s the top 20!

Big boobs in k-pop guide part 2: the boobs that Kpopalypse forgot 118,802
Bring the girls out – a friendly and informative guide to big boobs in k-pop 50,091
6 k-pop idols who look like busty pornstars 45,069
The ultimate K-POP ASSES for 2014 – 13 weapons of ass destruction! 28,715
Pornography and your right to fap: which K-pop idols are dedicated to the cause? 27,243
The Red Velvet Identification Test 19,381
Her “talents” are huge – why “MR removed” videos are all bullshit 14,879
Kpopalypse’s 30 worst songs of the Golden Age Of K-pop: 2008-2011 9,838
KPOPALYPSE’s 30 favourite k-pop songs of 2014 9,356
Kpopalypse’s 30 worst k-pop songs of 2014 8,907
EXO bullied Kris out of the group: the ironclad evidence* 8,468
Kpopalypse’s 10 most fappable k-pop music videos of 2014 8,363
KPOPALYPSE article index 7,851
KPOPALYPSE’s top 30 songs of K-pop’s first golden age (2008-2011) 7,242
An introduction to k-pop music genres 6,710
Sexy concepts: whore-clicking, or click-whoring? Also Girls’ Generation’s breaking sex controversy revealed! 6,452
KPOPALYPSE INTERVIEW – Neil Hannigan (ex-trainee at SM Entertainment) 6,417
Vocal fakery – how likely is it in k-pop? Fuckin’ likely. 6,161
KPOPALYPSE’s 30 worst k-pop songs of 2013 5,711

It’s great to see the article index in there, it means that people are actually finding it useful and all that effort that I go to finding idols in hanbok doing heart signs each month isn’t wasted!  Of course, very popular posts that are also very recent (like big boobs post part 3) haven’t been in circulation for long enough to gain a spot on this list.  Unsurprisingly, fap posts dominated the list as they always do, even though the relative proportion of fap posts on this site is actually quite small, a lot smaller than the “today’s top posts” sidebar on the right would have you believe.  Pretend to be disgusted by my posts as much as you want, my statistics don’t lie (unlike your grandstanding moralistic comments), so I know what you really like.  Ignoring fap, it seems that figuring out who the fuck is who in Red Velvet, why MR removed videos are a waste of your time and lists of songs that I liked and disliked were the things you wanted to read about the most.

Once people are at Kpopalyspe blog, where are they most likely to go next?

URL Clicks
youtube.com 70,139
WordPress.com Media 60,868
asianjunkie.com 11,562
antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com.au 7,480
ask.fm 4,451
en.wikipedia.org 3,560
soompi.com 2,876
antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com 1,975
kpopstarz.com 1,938
Reddit 1,905
popdust.com 1,625
omonatheydidnt.livejournal.com 1,453
Twitter 1,060
freeasteroids.org 822
ohkpop.com 758
dkpopnews.net 677
k-airportfashion.tumblr.com 674
kpopalypse.polldaddy.com 666
forums.soompi.com 612
cheezburger.com/5872236032 539

WordPress.com Media are all the images hosted on my own site that people have been clicking.  A sort of the most popular images reveals that most people have either been doing the Red Velvet Identification Test, or saving all the pictures from my big boobs posts.

kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/rvgroup3b.jpg 1,843
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/psb.jpg 1,724
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/rvgroup1b.jpg 1,658
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/rvgroup6b.jpg 1,642
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/rvgroup4b.jpg 1,621
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/rvgroup7b.jpg 1,556
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/rvgroup5b.jpg 1,403
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/rvgroup8b.jpg 1,386
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/rvgroup9b.jpg 1,352
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/rvgroup2b.jpg 1,244
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/jiyeoncam.jpg 899
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2leehyori4.jpg 880
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2puerkim2.jpg 653
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2iu2.jpg 582
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2woohee1.jpg 550
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2puerkim1.jpg 548
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2clara2.jpg 515
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2hongjinyoung1.jpg 506
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2jaekyung2.jpg 493
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2woohee3.jpg 487
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2clara3.jpg 472
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2hyunyoung3.jpg 467
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2minhee1.jpg 457
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2woohee2.jpg 449
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2ivy2.jpg 428
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/redbutton2.jpg 425
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2minhee3.jpg 424
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2hyunyoung1.jpg 416
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/julibom.jpg 412
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2clara1.jpg 402
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2sojin2.jpg 395
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2woori1.jpg 391
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2namgyuri1.jpg 388
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2yura2.jpg 365
kpopalypse.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/boobs2yewon2.jpg 361

The big red netizen comment translation button from this post performed strongly as a popular click choice… also, nobody can resist “Jiyeoncam.jpg” which performs highly every year!  This of course is due to Jiyeon’s webcam controversy.  For those unaware of it, I recently clarified this watershed moment in k-pop on my ask.fm for the benefit of all:


I hope Jiyeon has by now upgraded her laptop with all that money from spruiking MMOs to China’s growing nerd gamer demographic.

The top ten most popular Youtube destinations that you clicked on (not including any clicks on videos embedded in the site), in order:

  1.  CL – The Baddest Female (930)
  2.  Perfume – One Room Disco (729)
  3.  House Rulez ft. Clara – Invitiation (713)
  4.  Ice Bucket Challenge – Ailee (524)
  5.  Puer Kim – It’s Hard To Be A Daughter Of A Woman Loved By God (513)
  6.  Eat Your Kimchi: WTF – Electronic Fake Jump Rope (489)
  7.  Girls’ Generation – I Got A Boy (471)
  8.  Ice Bucket Challenge – Clara (467)
  9.  Bobby Bones: The Bombshell Secret (453)
  10.  InfinitelyInspiritSY: Why f(x) Don’t Have An Official Fanclub Name (451)

The top ten Asian Junkie articles you found through Kpopalypse blog:

asianjunkie.com/2014/09/dudes-are-fapping-to-viki-friends-in-a-pharisee-at-a-record-pace/ 2,078
the front page of Asian Junkie 1.322
asianjunkie.com/2012/07/after-schools-lizzy-watched-porn-at-night-to-learn-sexy-probably-masturbated-in-the-dark/ 746
another link to the front page 470
asianjunkie.com/2014/05/ex-tahiti-member-sarah-wolfgang-dishes-on-plastic-surgery-eating-disorders-body-odor/ 373
asianjunkie.com/2014/01/nuests-aron-chocolats-tia-aron-apologizes-twice/ 336
asianjunkie.com/2014/12/bobby-schools-us-on-hip-hop-defines-his-thug-rapper-background-for-arena/ 320
asianjunkie.com/2014/11/the-lovelyzs-seo-ji-soo-mess-evidence-of-fabricated-proofs-emerge-accusations-expand/ 312
asianjunkie.com/2013/04/asian-junkie-i-team-did-ivy-get-a-boob-job-why-do-netizens-hate-her/ 258
asianjunkie.com/2015/06/hyosungs-boobs-star-in-legion-of-heroes-cf/ 232
asianjunkie.com/2014/06/bauce-bitch-eunjung-basically-admits-to-hoarding-penis-netz-have-unused-penisdry-vagina/ 189
asianjunkie.com/2013/11/yg-denies-minzy-plastic-surgery-accusations-because-she-simply-became-prettier/ 178
asianjunkie.com/2014/11/g-dragon-loves-acolyte-taeyang-so-much-more-than-mere-associate-t-o-p/ 174

The top ten Anti Kpop-Fangirl articles you found through Kpopalypse blog:

antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com.au/2013/11/ailee-wouldnt-suck-johnny-nohs-2-inch.html 2,848
antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com.au/2013/04/taeyeons-cleavage-scares-me-and-sones.html 1,254
the front page of Anti Kpop-Fangirl 665
antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com.au/2014/07/kpopalypse-and-akfs-red-light-mission.html 428
antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com.au/2012/01/nsfw-hwayoung-slips-up-at-inkigayo.html 315
antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com.au/2013/02/exid-hani.html 306
antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com.au/2014/12/kpopalypse-and-akfs-red-light-mission.html 197
antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com.au/2014/08/kpopalypse-and-akfs-red-light-mission.html 188
antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com.au/2014/05/nada-is-pretty-cool-girl.html 172
antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com.au/2013/12/how-to-learn-korean-or-any-other_6.html 142
antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com.au/2013/12/how-to-learn-korean-or-any-other.html 139

What did people search up on the Interwebs that brought them to Kpopalypse blog?  Here’s the most popular search terms that led them here.

kpopalypse 1,577
korean pornstar 1,562
kpop boobs 608
kpop porn 399
https://kpopalypse.wordpress.com/2014/10/27/big-boobs-in-k-pop-guide-part-2-the-boobs-that-kpopalypse-forgot/ 199
kpopalypse ask fm 161
kpop breast 158
korean boobs 151
korean pornstars 139
korean porn star 134
kpop ass 126
korean idol porn 125
exo tao bullied 119
kpop big boobs 106
kpop boob 98
girls generation porn 95
kpop tits 84
busty kpop 81
https://kpopalypse.wordpress.com/ 79
pornstar korean 72
kpop fap 69
julia jav 69
korean boob 66
k pop porn 66
korean big boobs 64
https://kpopalypse.wordpress.com/2014/04/13/6-k-pop-idols-who-look-like-busty-pornstars/ 62
kpop pornstar 60
hong jin young boobs 60
hitomi tanaka 56
girl generation porn 53
kpop fap material 53
netizenbuzz 51
hyuna boobs 50
korean porn stars 48
jessica snsd 2015 48
worst kpop groups 46
fap material kpop 46
kpop idol porn 45
snsd black ocean 44
kpop star porn 41
kpop bra 40
kpop ass gif 40
girl generation sex 40
girls generation sex 40
cl boobs 37
https://kpopalypse.wordpress.com/2013/12/10/bring-the-girls-out-a-friendly-and-informative-guide-to-big-boobs-in-k-pop/ 37
kpop cleavage 36
k-pop porn 34
kpop busty 33
mr removed 33
big boobs korean 32
yeri red velvet 32
snsd jessica 2015 31
biggest boobs in kpop 31
https://kpopalypse.wordpress.com/2013/09/24/pornography-and-your-right-to-fap-which-k-pop-idols-are-dedicated-to-the-cause/ 30
kpop big tits 30
https://kpopalypse.wordpress.com/2015/04/04/the-red-velvet-identification-test/ 30
exid boobs 29
kpop biggest breast 29
worst kpop songs 28
korea boobs 28
kpop big breast 28
fapping to kpop 28
hong jin young breast 27
kpop stars porn 27
sunny snsd boobs 27
siwon homosexual 27
snsd boobs 27
exid hani boobs 26
sm trainee 26
big boobs kpop 26
hyuna ass 26
yura boobs 25
jaekyung boobs 25
snsd sunny breast 25
kpop idol big boobs 25
snsd breast 24
korean idols porn 24
https://kpopalypse.wordpress.com/2014/06/07/the-ultimate-k-pop-asses-13-weapons-of-ass-destruction/ 23
big boobs korea 23
kpop big boob 23
korean big tits 23
black ocean kpop 23
korean ass 23
snsd sunny boobs 22
g.na boobs 22
kpop biggest boobs 22
kpopalyse 22
f(x) 22
kpop girl boobs 21
korean big breast 21
korean porn idol 21
seolhyun ass 21
iu boobs 20
korean av industry 19
hyosung boobs 19
best boobs in kpop 19
boobs kpop 19
jiyeon boobs 18
korean big boob 18
kpop boob job 18
kpop girls boobs 18
fappable music videos 18
hong jin young boob 18
kpop idols porn 18
breast kpop 18
korean idol big boobs 17
cl 2ne1 boobs 17
kpop black ocean 17
fap kpop 17
best kpop boobs 17
porn star korea 17
kara 17
korean pop porn 16
boobs korean 16
biggest breast in kpop 16
sm entertainment trainees 16
big boobs in kpop 16
hani exid breast 16
hitomi tanaka hyoyeon 16
korean idol boobs 16

Well, I’m glad that my own name just managed to beat out “korean pornstar” as a search term this time around!  As you can see, you people search up an awful lot of smut, which is why I’m so cynical when you pretend to be all offended and shit about my harmless good-natured satirical Australian-style humour or the fact that occasionally I like the appearance of a girl in a k-pop group who is of legal age.

Here’s the most popular posts by category.  The views number here is a weekly average.


The least popular type is Nugu Alert, which isn’t listed because this list only displays nine categories and it’s the tenth.  Nugu Alert gets a good reaction from regular readers but is stratospherically unpopular with the average casual k-pop Internet surfer.  It’s good to see that readers are liking the new roundup series though!

Normally I’d finish this post off by answering a bunch of questions that led people to this site but the site is so popular now that it’s impossible to retrieve this data, it gets pushed way past the bottom of the search terms lists that I now get sent.  You’ll just have to use my ask.fm if you want to ask me shit.  So have this T-ara live performance instead.

Thanks to all readers who supported Kpopalypse blog in 2015 by linking my sites, discussing me, translating, or just coming here and reading my crap, I love all of you!  Also thanks to my haters who keep commenting about me, keeping my activity trending highly on searches and giving me hilarious things to write about, I love all of you too! Also a big thanks to Asian Junkie, Anti Kpop-Fangirl (both of whom oddly still let me write for them, for which I’m eternally grateful even though they probably shouldn’t just for their own sanity’s sake) and all the caonimas!

If any of you get the urge to send postcards, you can do it here:

Kpopalypse, 3D Radio, PO BOX 937 Stepney SA Australia 5069

Keep in mind that some countries have bad, baaaaad postal systems compared to Australia so I may or may not receive postcards – but if I do, I’ll feature them in the next episode of Caonima Creativity Corner, along with any other creative Kpopalypse content that people alert me to!

Thanks for reading, and Kpopalypse will return in 2016, but not before a few more posts over the coming two weeks to wrap up 2015!  Stay safe and party responsibly!


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