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Guess the 2015 end-of-year best/worst list – survey responses!


Many people asked me for the opportunity to make my end of year posts a little bit more “interactive”, so at the start of December I made a survey to invite caonimas to guess my picks for the 2015 best and worst lists.  376 readers stepped up to the plate, throwing caution to the wind, fearlessly ticking boxes and filling out free text fields.  This post contains their answers!

yooatablet copy

Question 1: Hi!  How are you?  Answer in as much or as little detail as applicable.

The usual ratio of happy/sad/frustrated/busy/lazy/trolling people appeared as per every time I do a survey and ask this question.  Some standout replies:

I’m dying from boredom from listening to EXO’s new album but I can’t stop because I really like hearing D.O.’s voice. Just your typical, stupid EXO fangirl here, nothing new (I refuse to say EXO-L). Also, I have no idea why I’m doing this survey because my music taste and yours are different but eh.

Don’t worry everyone’s music taste is different!

I am good how are you?

I’m good!

you never use my responses here anyway does it matter you fuckin cuck

Yes I do, and yes it does.  Now stop whining about how I don’t use your response and show higher determination levels to write a better response.

I am ok. Instead of doing something I should have done for the last month I am doing this to get into the mindset of doing stuff. If it works, thanks.

Hope that works out for you.  Although if you’re reading this instead of doing that thing, then it probably hasn’t, hey.

Doing good, getting in better shape to be prepared to start my conscription (basic training) in the Danish Armed Forces.

Good luck out there, don’t get killed!

My mom is finally divorcing my extremely abusive worthless piece of shit “father” who has abused me in literally every single way, sexually included, so I’m in a pretty good mood but I’m also scared because he might go nuts and abuse us even more or abuse or kill one of our cats. TL;DR My stomach hurts and I’m scared but hopeful.

Hopefully this worked out for you and you’re reading this from a safe place.

Hi, Kpopalypse! Frankly I’m only answering this survey to be able to answer this question. I’m currently slogging my way through a revise-and-resubmit where something like 40% of the feedback is “you need to provide page numbers with direct quotes.” I’m not complaining, this is GREAT news to get such easily fixed criticism, I’ve just been procrastinating on it all to hell and back. also staying off Twitter because I really cannot contribute anything to gun-control arguments.

Don’t argue with people on the Internet who are anti-gun control.  Remember – they have guns!

Jaehyo put out topless pictures a few days ago and I’m still reeling. Plus, the best sageuk character since Lady Mishil just got killed off, and my emotions are a complete mess. Gonna need naked SoJiSub tomorrow.

Just documenting it here that people like this do exist, so remember this the next time some annoying person gets all offended about me looking at girls in k-pop groups.

Fantastic! I made a whole bunch of gingerbread cookies for my classmates to celebrate the Christmas spirit, and we’re going to South Korea in the year end so I may or may not be able to sneak into a dorm to steal some underwear. :-) I do hope you’re doing fine as well, and your cat too!!! Please do a post about your cat one day, I’d love to read it!

I’ll consider this feedback carefully.

I’m fine. I am cheating on my boyfriend with a teacher and life couldn’t be better (except I’m a whore). Advice for this situation? Should I continue being a bitch or should I stop? Why is monogamy even a thing??? Why don’t I feel guilty, oppa?

I’m not going to say stop screwing the teacher because maybe he’s worth it but I’d definitely say you should confess to your boyfriend.  Being slutty is fine and totally 100% approved by Kpopalypse as long as you’re being careful (personal safety, contraception etc) but lying about it will complicate your life.  Telling the truth won’t be pleasant but it’s important.  Who knows, maybe you’ll find a guy who isn’t into monogamy either and you can be happy whores together.  They’re out there.

The real question is why do you continuously put yourself through this

For your entertainment!

I am currently doing this at work. I am hoping to be able to fap to all the images and gifs available in this survey. Don’t disappoint me or I will hunt you down and kill you.

Don’t fap at work, fapping is important and demands your full attention without distraction.

Amazing. BTS is making me happier than I’ve ever been in my life ? but at the same time I also feel bad. I’ve basically neglected metal for kpop and it upsets my fiancé. He thinks that he’s lost his metal girl and that makes me feel bad ? He just can’t seem to realize that I’ve always loved pop. I was going through a weird phase when we met where I thought I had to reject everything that I previously loved because it was lame and not metal (I was a stupid 18 year old). I hope you’re doing well.

There’s no reason why you can’t like more than one genre.  I never gave up metal, or anything else… it just stopped being my primary focus.  I think people who only listen to one genre of music are strange.  All genres are inter-related anyway.

I have pneumonia and a sore throat so I’m sore and tired. Do you have any idea of how to ease a sore throat?

Don’t talk so much, rest your voice.

Pretty bored as hell. Camping outside of a store for the release of a pair of Jordans. I’m on my 10th hour now with 6 more to go. Hope I get these shoes. I’m seated on the floor and my butt is numb. Thankfully there’s wifi so i can kill time filling this thing up.

Do people really do this?  Why can’t you just wait a week or two and then buy the shoes, or order them in and get them later?  What’s with this weird consumer culture where people have to be the first in line to get everything?  I’m glad my posts are at least filling your time and hopefully you’re reading this while doing something less pointless.


Yes final exams suck, sorry my surveys always come out at exam time but it’s hard enough keeping track of my own life let alone exam periods all around the world.

I am Kitty, that one Blackjack (probably the only one left) who you once told to please reproduce. I feel honoured that Kpopalypse thinks I am smart, because Kpopalypse is smart.


Stop starting with the same shit in every of your survey. Get’s so old.

Not as old as incorrect apostrophe use.

fuck off

no u

I was feeling alright until I scrolled down and saw a gif of Eunjung biting the paper, now I feel great. I can’t help but feel a bit disappointed though because I’ll have to go to bed fapless with a boner because I really need to get to sleep ASAP.

He is referring to this GIF, reposted for the later use of all surveydoers who forgot to click “save as” the first time:



I’m tired as fuck and I should be sleeping or doing my thesis but I’m so drained that I don’t give a shit anymore and instead of tallying the survey I conducted for it, I decided to re-watch Jolin Tsai’s MAMA perf and answer your survey instead because they’re much more interesting… I honestly wish a magical Ciaonima will appear and help me do all the work.

Hopefully Raina came through for you and this happened.

You iljin slut caonima. I hope ultra iljin pedophile IU tittyfuck your face.

Me too!

I would say I’m currently in a lot of emotional pain unfortunately. I really hope this doesn’t have a character limit. The truth is I am the person that has been constantly asking you about that girl and although you warned me about her so many times I refused to believe I would get hurt. Now I am hurt and it’s not a pleasant feeling. I feel like dying or going into a coma. It’s my fault obviously, but I’m an idiot, with social awkwardness which is why Fuck there actually is a character limit.

Like Neitzsche says, what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.  So don’t die, just learn the important lessons!  The next time you encounter a situation where you are crushing on someone you will have extra knowledge that will help you.


You are officially noticed.

Why do you make this question always mandatory? I don’t have enough determination to think of something witty. In any case, I’m fine thanks. Hope you’re doing fine too.

There is no pressure to be witty, just be yourself.

Great! I’m really excited to see the results of your lists since I have a strange love for seeing other people’s opinions of songs, specifically kpop songs.

Please enjoy the following answers!

Question 2: What artist and song will be the #1 on Kpopalypse’s favourites list for 2015?

According to readers my choice was a tie – between Stellar’s “Vibrato” and T-ara’s “So Crazy”.

Both of these did end up in my top 30 – but not at #1!

Here’s the full list of what you picked:

Stellar Vibrato 24
T-ara So Crazy 24
4Minute Crazy 16
Crayon Pop FM 14
f(x) 4 Walls 11
Twice Like ‘Ooh Ahh’ 11
IU Twenty-three 8
CL Hello Bitches 7
Nine Muses Hurt Locker 7
Red Velvet Dumb Dumb 7
BTS Run 6
Primary ft. Choa & Iron Don’t Be Shy 6
SHINee View 6
Infinite Bad 5
Oh My Girl Closer 5
Pocket Girls Bbang Bbang 5
PSY Daddy 5
Rainbow Black Swan 5
BigBang Bang Bang Bang 4
Laboum Aalow Aalow 4
Lovelyz Ah-choo 4
Red Velvet Ice Cream Cake 4
Shannon Williams Why Why 4
AOA Heart Attack 3
BTS I Need You 3
D.Holic Murphy & Sally 3
Gfriend Me Gustas Tu 3
PSY Napal Baji 3
Taeyeon I 3
Wonder Girls I Feel You 3
Apink Remember 2
BAP Young Wild & Free 2
Brown Eyed Girls Brave New World 2
BTS Dope 2
EXO Love Me Right 2
Fiestar You’re Pitiful 2
Girl’s Day Ring My Bell 2
Girls’ Generation Party 2
Girls’ Generation Lion Heart 2
GOT7 If You Do 2
Jay Park Mommae 2
JYP Who’s Your Mama 2
Lizzy Not An Easy Girl 2
Mamamoo Um Ah Oh Yeah 2
Seventeen Mansae 2
VAV Under The Moonlight 2
24K Superfly 1
Akdong Musician Like Ga Na Da 1
BESTie Excuse Me 1
BigBang Sober 1
BigBang Bae Bae 1
BTOB It’s Okay 1
CLC Pepe 1
D.Holic Chewy 1
EXID Ah Yeah 1
EXO Call Me Baby 1
Jimin Puss 1
Jun Jin ft. Eric Wow Wow Wow 1
Junsu Flower 1
KARA Cupid 1
Lim Kim Awoo 1
Luhan Lu 1
Melody Day Speed Up 1
MyB My Oh My 1
Niel ft. Dok2 Lovekiller 1
Nine Muses Sleepless Night 1
Oh My Girl Cupid 1
Park Jimin Hopeless Love 1
Playback Playback 1
Purfles A Bad Thing 1
Seventeen Adore U 1
SHINee Married To The Music 1
Sistar Shake It 1
Unicorn Huk 1
Yankee ft. Tablo, Zion T, Loco Sold Out 1
Zico Eureka 1
Correct #1 song for 2015
Top 30
Honourable mention
Dishonourable mention
Bottom 30

Overall I was impressed with the picks, on average people did well trying to guess my taste (ignoring CL which I’m pretty sure were troll picks).  Keep in mind that for this question and all others, I couldn’t use responses that listed more than one song (“everything by BigBang” etc), or that were ambiguous about the song chosen (i.e “that song Ailee put out” when she put out two different songs, etc), fortunately most people read the questions correctly!

Question 3: What artist and song will be the #1 on Kpopalypse’s worst-of list for 2015?

Nobody got this right, but you were mostly warm.

CL’s half-baked weak clone of MIA’s “Bad Girls” really cleaned up here, and several readers desperately hoped that after two second-placings in a row, the Baddest Female win the coveted #1 worst song spot.  However it was not to be!

CL Hello Bitches 78
BigBang Bang Bang Bang 24
CL, Diplo, Riff Raff, OG Maco Doctor Pepper 15
iKON Rhythm Ta 12
BigBang Bae Bae 11
Girls’ Generation Party 11
Luhan Lu 10
f(x) 4 Walls 7
Taeyeon ft. Verbal Jint I 7
EXID Hot Pink 6
Sistar Shake It 5
Amber ft Taeyeon Shake That Brass 4
T-ara So Crazy 4
BigBang Loser 3
Girls’ Generation Lion Heart 3
Girls’ Generation You Think 3
GOT7 Just Right 3
iKON My Type 3
Twice Like ‘Ooh Ahh’ 3
VAV Under The Moonlight 3
AOA Heart Attack 2
Apink Remember 2
EXO Lightsaber 2
Jessi Ssenunni 2
2Eyes Pippi 1
Ailee Insane 1
Baby Boo Boo Boo Boo 1
BTS Dope 1
Chamsonyeo Magic Words 1
CLC Like 1
Eunjung I’m Good 1
EXID Ah Yeah 1
EXO Call Me Baby 1
EXO Love Me Right 1
Gain Paradise Lost 1
Girl’s Day Ring My Bell 1
Girls’ Generation Catch Me If You Can 1
Hello Venus Wiggle Wiggle 1
Jay Park Mommae 1
Jonghyun Crazy 1
Jonghyun End Of The Day 1
KARA Cupid 1
Kyuhyun A Million Pieces 1
Lim Chang Jung Love Again 1
Luhan That Good Good 1
Mamamoo ft. Esna Ah Oop 1
Minah I Am A Woman Too 1
Oh My Girl Closer 1
PSY Napal Baji 1
PSY Daddy 1
Rainbow Black Swan 1
Rania Demonstrate 1
Seventeen Mansae 1
Stephanie Prisoner 1
Super Junior Devil 1
Super Junior Magic 1
Taeil Inspiring 1
The Legend Nail 1
Verbal Jint ft. Taeyeon If The World Was A Perfect Place 1
Wonder Girls I Feel You 1
Zico Eureka 1
Bottom 30
Dishonourable mention
Honourable mention
Top 30

The answer was of course Keith Ape’s terrifying trap endurance ordeal “It G Ma“, but the most popular picks were almost as scary.

After this question came the following picture:


Question 4: Why is there a picture of Eunjung here?


All of these options were in fact correct, except the last two – I would never try to bias my surveys (unless it’s funny)!

Question 5: This year will also have a “most disappointing comeback” entry. What artist and song will it be?

I’m completely impressed by the 49 surveydoers who guessed “4 Walls” correctly!

Of course I hadn’t exactly kept my disappointment in f(x)’s cover of SHINee’s “View” a secret, and okay maybe it wasn’t really a cover but the songs are so sonically close together that it might as well have been.  “4 Walls” certainly wasn’t absolutely awful, but after such a great track record from f(x) in the past it sure was a letdown.  To rub salt into the wound, “View” was actually a far better song.

f(x) 4 Walls 49
Girls’ Generation Party 28
EXID Hot Pink 22
T-ara So Crazy 19
BigBang Bang Bang Bang 12
Girl’s Day Ring My Bell 9
AOA Heart Attack 8
CL Hello Bitches 7
Nine Muses Sleepless Night 6
Sistar Shake It 6
BTS Run 5
KARA Cupid 5
Apink Remember 4
BigBang Loser 4
Girls’ Generation Lion Heart 4
miss A Only You 4
B.A.P Young Wild & Free 3
Rania Demonstrate 3
VIXX Chained Up 3
Wonder Girls I Feel You 3
2PM My House 2
Beast YeY 2
BigBang Bae Bae 2
Brown Eyed Girls Brave New World 2
CLC Like 2
Eunjung I’m Good 2
Hyuna Roll Deep 2
IU Twenty-three 2
PSY Daddy 2
Ailee Mind Your Own Business 1
BESTie Excuse Me 1
BigBang Let’s Not Fall In Love 1
BoA Kiss My Lips 1
CL, Diplo, Riff Raff, OG Maco Doctor Pepper 1
Dal Shabet Joker 1
DIA My Friend’s Boyfriend 1
EXID Ah Yeah 1
EXO Lightsaber 1
EXO Call Me Baby 1
EXO Love Me Right 1
FTIsland Puppy 1
Girls’ Generation Catch Me If You Can 1
GOT7 Just Right 1
Hello Venus I’m Ill 1
iKON Rhythm Ta 1
Infinite Bad 1
Lim Kim ft. Verbal Jint Stay Ever 1
Mamamoo Um Ah Oh Yeah 1
Nine Muses Drama 1
Oh My Girl Closer 1
Purfles A Bad Thing 1
Rainbow Black Swan 1
Romeo Target 1
Royal Pirates Run 1
Seo In Young Scream 1
SHINee View 1
SHINee Married To The Music 1
Sonamoo Cushion 1
Stellar Fool 1
Super Junior Magic 1
Taeyeon ft. Verbal Jint I 1
Tahiti Skip 1
Tren-D Affection (Jung) 1
U-Kiss Playground 1
Correct answer, caonimas!
Bottom 30
Dishonourable mention
Honourable mention
Top 30

Question 6: This year will also have a “great song kept off the favourites list because of [mystery reason x]” entry. What artist and song will it be, and what is the mystery reason keeping it off the favourites list?

This was a hard question, and only one of you anonymous surveydoers got both parts of this question right:

Oh My Girl – Closer (great song, ruined by vocal wank at the end)

Whoever you are, consider yourself among the caonima elite!

The song starts gradually introducing the Autotuned vocal warbles at 2:15, for those who were confused about my write-up.

Question 7: What song that you absolutely love and adore will Kpopalypse take a big fat shit on?

This question was optional, but 262 people decided to fill it out anyway.  Here are the results from those who nominated just ONE track, I guess f(x) fans were feeling a little self-conscious about the low quality of “4 walls”:

f(x) 4 Walls 24
Girls’ Generation Lion Heart 8
Girl’s Day Ring My Bell 7
AOA Heart Attack 5
BigBang Bae Bae 5
BigBang Bang Bang Bang 5
CL Hello Bitches 5
Girls’ Generation Party 5
IU Twenty-three 5
Lovelyz Ah-choo 5
Twice Like ‘Ooh Ahh’ 5
EXID Hot Pink 4
BTS Dope 3
Girls’ Generation You Think 3
Hello Venus I’m Ill 3
Lim Kim Ah Woo 3
Red Velvet Automatic 3
Seventeen Mansae 3
SHINee View 3
Stellar Vibrato 3
Taeyeon ft. Verbal Jint I 3
4Minute Crazy 2
Ailee Mind Your Own Business 2
Apink Remember 2
BESTie Excuse Me 2
BTS Run 2
BTS I Need You 2
EXID Ah Yeah 2
Girls’ Generation Catch Me If You Can 2
Luhan Lu 2
Nine Muses Sleepless Night 2
Oh My Girl Closer 2
PSY Daddy 2
Seventeen Adore U 2
Super Junior Devil 2
T-ara So Crazy 2
2PM My House 1
April Muah! 1
B.A.P Young, Wild & Free 1
Bambino Oppa Oppa 1
BigBang We Like 2 Party 1
BigBang Loser 1
BigBang If You 1
BigBang Sober 1
Changmin Rise As One 1
Crayon Pop Dancing All Night 1
D.Holic Chewy 1
Dal Shabet Joker 1
Day6 Congratulations 1
EXO Love Me Right 1
Fiestar You’re Pitiful 1
Gain Paradise Lost 1
Gfriend Me Gustas Tu 1
GOT7 If You Do 1
GOT7 Just Right 1
High4 D.O.A 1
History Might Just Die 1
Hyukoh Bawling 1
Hyuna Roll Deep 1
iKON My Type 1
Infinite Bad 1
Jessi Ssenunni 1
JJCC Where You At 1
JYP Who’s Your Mama 1
KARA Cupid 1
Madtown OMGT 1
Mamamoo Um Ah Oh Yeah 1
Mamamoo ft. Esna Ah Oop 1
Minah I Am A Woman Too 1
miss A Only You 1
Monsta X Hero 1
Monsta X Rush 1
Nine Muses Hurt Locker 1
Oh My Girl Cupid 1
Rania Demonstrate 1
Red Velvet Ice Cream Cake 1
Red Velvet Dumb Dumb 1
San E Sour Grapes 1
Sistar Shake It 1
Tahiti Skip 1
Teen Top Ah-ah 1
The Solutions Love You Dear 1
VAV Under The Moonlight 1
Wonder Girls I Feel You 1
Shat on heavily
Shat on mildly
Had no shits to give
Dodged the shit
This song was the shit


Question 8: What completely shit song will be riding high on the favourites list just to annoy you?

226 extremely brave caonimas dared to answer this optional question, knowing full well that the knowledge could be used against them.  Although how you people thought I would actually like BigBang’s comically awful “Bang Bang Bang” and put it on my favourites list is beyond me.


Here’s the full list!

BigBang Bang Bang Bang 14
CL Hello Bitches 13
T-ara So Crazy 12
PSY Daddy 7
AOA Heart Attack 6
Girls’ Generation Lion Heart 4
Lovelyz Ah-choo 4
Taeyeon ft. Verbal Jint I 4
Apink Remember 3
EXO Call Me Baby 3
Girl’s Day Ring My Bell 3
Girls’ Generation Party 3
Sistar Shake It 3
Amber ft. Taeyeon Shake That Brass 2
Bambino Oppa Oppa 2
BigBang Bae Bae 2
Brown Eyed Girls Warm Hole 2
BTS Run 2
EXID Ah Yeah 2
Gfriend Me Gustas Tu 2
IU Twenty-three 2
JYP Who’s Your Mama 2
Rainbow Black Swan 2
Red Velvet Dumb Dumb 2
Twice Like ‘Ooh Ahh’ 2
4Minute Crazy 1
Baby Boo Boo Boo Boo 1
BigBang Loser 1
BigBang Let’s Not Fall In Love 1
BTS I Need You 1
CLC Pepe 1
D.Holic Chewy 1
DIA Somehow 1
EXO Sing For You 1
f(x) 4 Walls 1
GD&TOP Zutter 1
Girls’ Generation You Think 1
Global Icon Doligo Doligo 1
Hyuna Roll Deep 1
iKON Rhythm Ta 1
iKON Anthem 1
LaBoum Aalow Aalow 1
Lizzy I’m Not An Easy Girl 1
Nine Muses Hurt Locker 1
Oh My Girl Cupid 1
Purfles Bad Girl 1
Seventeen Mansae 1
Stellar Vibrato 1
Unicorn Huk 1
VIXX Love Equation 1
VIXX Chained Up 1
Wanna.B Attention 1
I wouldn’t be that cruel to you
Relax, I hated it too
Sorry no fucks to give
Partial trolling occurred
Sucks to be you

Question 9: How butthurt are you that Kpopalypse is doing a poll about what you think HE likes and dislikes rather than him asking you about what YOU like and dislike?

I always like to track butthurt levels.  In this case they were pretty low.


Question 10: If you would like to have a guess at some of the other entries that will be in the 2015 Kpopalypse lists, please do so in the box below. There are 29 other favourites to guess, 29 other worst-of entries, plus 16 honourable and 16 dishonourable mentions, feel free to guess as many or as few as you choose. You could also write something else in this box if you wanted, like how much you enjoy surveys, or how you like free text questions because of the beautiful freedom of expression that they allow. You could even leave this question blank if you prefer to be mysterious and enigmatic.

Here’s a collection of the most mysterious and enigmatic responses:

I’m mysterious and enigmatic.

mysterious and enigmatic MY ASS, you gave me a text box and I plan to use it. I will express the hope that Girls’ Day’s “Ring My Bell” gets a special dishonorable mention for (a) being a mess (b) having an even messier video (c) exposing the group to ridiculous netizen bullshit. I thought Hyuna’s “Roll Deep” was pretty meh but maybe it’ll make your honorable mention list. anyway, I enjoy your work and that’s why on occasion I message you awkwardly on Twitter (when I’m on Twitter). I will confess to hoping you liked my 4Minute writing, if you saw it beyond the one mention (oneweekoneband.tumblr.com/tagged/4minute/chrono, if you didn’t). That week turned out to demand more of me than I expected. I’m still working on developing a personal style worth a damn, which is not going to be to everyone’s taste (and of the people to whose taste it might be, half of them won’t see it, of those who do most won’t care, some will pretend not to care, et cetera). But I have not yet gotten to the point where I can be indifferent (or convincingly fake indifference) to other people’s reception of my work. hence the self-promotion. anyway! I have now added all the required page numbers and have to do more substantial changes now, so I will sign off. I hope you’re doing okay and not broiling too much.

I’ll go with mysterious and enigmatic, thanks.

I prefer to be mysterious and enigmatic but I wanted to state this fact so I didn’t leave this question blank.

Ye, misterious

I’ll be mysterious and enigmatic then

I’m a mysterious ho bitch. But pease include dear Santa TTS in your worst of. That shit gave me aids but I’m pretty sure Tiffany is what ultimately offed me. I’ll be waiting in hell for her arrival to repent for all the wrong she has done all of us with her voice.

I write this here just because I don’t want to be mysterious and enigmatic, but I have nothing to add either. Fair enough?

I am mysterious and enigmatic.

I prefer to be mysterious and enigmatic.

i’m mysterious and enigmatic.

I prefer to be mysterious and enigmatic.
If you leave this poll open for a month, you’ll get enough shit to read anyways.

I prefer to be mysterious and enigmatic. Pretty sure there will be boy band songs too, but I don’t fap to them so I don’t listen to them either. [list of picks edited out – mostly correct!]

Lazy, not enigmatic or mysterious… ;)

I prefer to be mysterious and enigmatic so I will leave this box blank.

I’d rather prefer to be mysterious and enigmatic. No, wait. That doesn’t work that way. Does it? Just lazy to guess your fucking taste in music. Just do whatever so we can be angry and, at the same time, feeling well for having coincidental opinions about a song with a pretentious and random man on the other side of the planet.

i prefer to be mysterious and enigmatic

A couple other things that came through on various questions:

can i just say that supposed ‘summer girl group battle’? underwhelming like swiss cheese.


Y’know that ringing in your ears? That ‘eeeeeeeeee’? That’s the sound of the ear cells dying, like their swan song. Once it’s gone you’ll never hear that frequency again. Enjoy it while it lasts.

I can’t remember which film this quote is from, but the above quote is a myth.  Yes, the ringing in your ears after going to a loud concert does indicate hearing damage, however the sudden ringing that your ears do spontaneously when there’s no obvious loud noise around is actually your ear’s way of calibrating itself and is perfectly healthy and normal.


Anyway, that’s it for this post!  Maybe I’ll do this shit again next year, what say you?  Did you enjoy the experience of filling out this crap?  Comment below – or leave a mysterious and enigmatic Internet-silence!  Kpopalypse will return soon!

Tagged: kpopalypse

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