Kpopalypse roundup is back! Let’s take a look at this week’s new releases!

Mamamoo – Pride of 1cm (Taller Than You)
A good sense of humour and refreshing absence of vocal masturbation helps propel this dull Dr. Dre soundalike beyond the realms of averagedom into something worth hearing, making this the only other Mamamoo song besides “Piano Man” worth bothering with.
AOA Cream – I’m Jelly Baby
Proof that Jimin carries AOA, without her this subunit are lost.
Rainbow – Whoo
This isn’t too bad I guess, just try not to watch the awesome Jean-Michel Jarre style teaser or you’ll shed tears for how good this could have been.
Dok2 – Future Flame
Do you think Dok2 knows he sucks? Should someone tell him? Would he listen?
The Koxx – By The Way
Some group names are just awkward for radio DJs. They should be grateful I played this.
Kim Jaejoong – Love You More
Oh that guy from JYJ released a song… no, not that one, the other one. No, not that one either, the other one. Oh.
Double Trouble (Jiggy Fellaz) – Yo Ye Yo
Not new, I just played this because I could. The video (and presumably the gang vocals) features LE before she joined EXID.
Jo Kwon – Crosswalk
Lots of highly dangerously fluffing around in the middle of the street to boring music. Where’s Ladies Code’s manager when you need him?
That’s it for this week’s roundup – more next week!
Tagged: roundup