It’s time for another Kpopalypse roundup – let’s check out some new releases!

AOA (Ace Of Angels)
AOA – Good Luck
This is tolerable despite the grating Beyonceishness of the backings but it could have been way better – imagine if they’d used the surf-guitar style backing track in the video intro for the actual song.
BTS – Save Me
Another potentially great song hobbled by poor backing track choices. The weird slow yolo feel and that other double-time dance thing just don’t mix.
Tiffany – I Just Wanna Dance
Dancing to some oddball 80s electro beat thing is Tiffany’s best friend, is dancing to some oddball 80s electro beat thing your best friend?
San E ft. Gary – Like An Aeroplane
San E doesn’t sound any good when he’s not pissed off. I hope he signs up with JYP again so he has something to be mad about. This live version is at least slightly more acceptable that the shitty version I played on-air.
Hello Venus – Glow
True garbage of the lowest kind, even the girls themselves look bored out of their brains in every single shot. Who can blame them.
Monsta X ft. Wheein (Mamamoo) – Ex Girl
Agencies usually don’t make music videos for this dull-as-dishwater crap and there’s a reason for that.
VAV – Brotherhood
Sounds pretty different to everything else out there at the moment, but I suspect that this might be at least partially accidental. Oh well, full marks for effort.
Icia – Time Bomb
A great chorus helps lift this one above the nugu pack. I’m time bomb! Ticka ticka boom!
I.C.E – We Are Not Compatible
Another nugu gold star song, 10/10 for the daytime soap-opera style soft focus and the token Amber.
Sol-T – Curveball
Absolutely tonally weird, changes keys in the most awkward way, I don’t even know what I think of this. Seriously this song could get on my best OR worst list for the year at this point.
Various – Only Want U
That’s right – “Various” is actually the group title. How the fuck is anyone supposed to successfully search for this? This is as crazy as G.I’s debut song being called “Beatles“.
G.Soul – Where Do We Go From Here
Your token R&B trash of the week. Oh wait, that was Hello Venus. Oh well whatever, have another one.
Baekhyun & K.will – The Day
Oh and here’s a crappy ballad with K.will in it, because there aren’t enough of those in k-pop.
G.Soul – Far Far Away
Let’s wander around on the beach like a drunk cunt and sing half-assed reggae, sounds like a great idea you fucking douchebag.
BgA – Dong Saya Dae
Sorry but this is far too close to the truth to actually be even slightly funny.
That’s it for another Kpopalypse roundup! More next week!
Tagged: roundup