It’s that time of week again, Kpopalypse roundup time! Let’s take a look at this week’s new releases!

Sistar – I Like That
Wow, Sistar released something good for a change, it’s only been about 4 years since that last happened. There’s some things that even my super Boram powers can’t predict.
Taeyeon ft. Dean – Starlight
Super-average R&B snoozefests aren’t just for groups you’ve never heard of!
Pledis Girlz – We
At least Gfriend copied the good early stuff from SNSD and not the shitty album tracks nobody even listens to.
Romeo – Miro
The incredibly crowded mix just sinks this one like a stone. There’s a reasonable enough song in here somewhere but I can’t hear it over the 57 layers of vocals and funk guitar.
Brave Girls – High Heels
Kind of shrill, annoying and generic, which means that it’s one of this week’s better songs. It’s been that kind of a week.
Kisum – No Jam
At least it’s not a ballad for a fucking change, but these insipid Playschoolisms aren’t much better honestly.
A.DE – Strawberry
This song doesn’t know what it’s doing, some of it’s quite good and some of it sounds like Red Velvet with half the budget.
O21 – Show Me
I hope this group get big enough to be featured on “Let’s Dance” because I want an explanation of that “show me” dance which looks like all the girls are waving around a 12-inch dildo.
Madtown – Emptiness
Sounds like a BigBang album track that you’d normally just skip over.
Up10tion – Run
You know it’s another shitty week in k-pop when OST stuff not only makes it onto the playlist, but ends up being one of the better tracks.
Bloo – Drive Thru
Why does this slow hip-hop song work when so many others fail? Someone knew how to write a beat, that’s why. Bonus points for gratuitously swearing lyrics.
The Barberettes ft. Marty Friedman – Time 2 Love
No full video for this song at this stage, but the teaser is pretty long and gives you a good idea. Don’t get too excited Megadeth/Cacophony/Death Panda fans, Marty’s fairly wasted here.
Hexagonal Water – Adduddu
If you guys don’t follow the Kpopalypse Nugu Alert series, you don’t know what you’re missing. This song shreds more than Marty these days, believe it or not.
Kisum – Ocktabbang
I wasn’t going to play the other Kisum song because it’s even worse than “No Fap”. The video is mostly talking and for once I’m not sad about that.
Beast – Butterfly
We waited all this time for a Beast comeback and it’s a shitty ballad? I know you’re all sad about Hyunseng working himself to death but please. If you want to get on the playlist, make an effort guys.
Seenroot – He & Me
There’s a joke in here about seeing roots or whatever, but the song’s just so bland that exercising my wit to drag it seems like a waste of brain power.
Sophie Pae – Over You
Forget the diamonds, big girls need better songs.
In & Choo – Vivid Girl
Actually pretty reasonable but didn’t make the playlist because I couldn’t find audio for it.
Jang Gi Seop – First Love
On the other hand, this was just too shit.
Vibe, Kim Heung Guk – Bottoms Up
Just because you’d old doesn’t mean you get a free pass on shit music like this. People still expect my blog to meet required standards and I’m so old that I actually know who this guy is.
Don’t forget to be a good soldier for objectification like Shindong and do the Kpopalypse super objectification survey!
That’s all for Kpopalypse roundup this week, more new songs next week!
Tagged: roundup