Just a quick intermission style blog to tell you lovely folks who read my blog about a few things:
Some of you might have noticed that an edited version of my blog about plagiarism and IU was reposted onto Asian Junkie. Yes, I’m writing for them now, as well as Anti Kpop-Fangirl, no doubt much to the horror of many! So you might see material from here crop up on both of those sites from time to time (although you’ll see a lot more of it on Anti Kpop-Fangirl). I don’t usually edit my blogs much for Anti Kpop-Fangirl apart from minor adjustments because of the differences between publishing templates, but Asian Junkie’s format is a bit different. I’ve basically said to them “if you like anything here, feel free to just copy and paste it over to there, edit it so it fits your format and stick my name on it”, which is what happened with the plagiarism article.
I’m really happy about this because I really like Asian Junkie, just like I like Anti Kpop-Fangirl. Back in August/September 2012 when everyone was being phenomenal dicks about T-ara, Asian Junkie was the first place I found that had some actual sane writing about the situation that wasn’t lame trendy bashing OR stupid fangirly counter-bashing, but that actually probed a bit deeper, while still being entertaining and down-to-earth rather than having politically-correct academic pretensions. I knew I had found a k-pop blog that didn’t suck. They have continued to not suck and even though I don’t always agree with everything I read on Asian Junkie, or Anti Kpop-Fangirl for that matter, it’s always an entertaining and thoughtful read and I support both blogs wholeheartedly.
In the meantime ask.fm has really exploded for me – anyone who follows it, or who follows my Twitter, will notice the influx of questions coming from ask.fm (and sorry to my Twitter followers for the wall of rapid-fire ask.fm content which is probably filling up your feed and pissing you right off – hey, at least I never post images). I do my best to answer as much as I can but it’s frankly become impossible to do everything, with multiple jobs I just don’t have the time. I get everything from praise to abuse (although some of the really abusive stuff gets automatically removed by ask.fm – they say they don’t do this, but I know that they do because some of the nastier questions I’ve received have mysteriously disappeared either just before or just after I’ve replied to them, and it’s not me deleting them) and I’m also getting quite a lot of material for new blog posts, so thanks to those asking good questions for giving me material, and thanks also those who are just sending me crap because I do definitely get a laugh out of that and sometimes you guys give me material too. So please feel free to continue to bombard me, I love it, but don’t be sad if I don’t reply. Just know that if you did write something interesting, I did read it.
There’s quite a few blogs in the works and you should see updates here weekly-ish depending on how busy I get. Some thoughts on upcoming content:
Yes, I will write a “favourite songs of 2013″ post like last year, but unlike every other k-pop blogger I’ll wait until the year ends before I publish it! There are so many “best of 2013″ lists already out there on blogs and YouTube, I feel like slapping them and saying “the year’s not over yet you dumb fucks”. I’m really looking forward to inflicting my music taste on you all, but I’ll wait until the year is over. I might also do a corresponding “worst of 2013″ if there’s enough demand for it.
I know a lot of people have been asking about the Primary plagiarism thing. I’ll cover the issue in a very broad sense, but not right away, I want to write a few other things first. I like to write about different things and I don’t want to just become “that guy” who turns up to tackle each new plagiarism allegation every time one appears, that would get boring for me fast, especially given the speed at which they appear in k-pop. Maybe if someone was going to pay me for it I might consider jumping on things sooner (oh look over at Raina on the sidebar isn’t she pretty hint hint), but if I’m blogging for free I’d rather just pace myself and write what pleases me. Regular readers will notice that there’s a cyclical pattern to my blog writing, and that’s because it keeps me entertained to not revisit the same type of blog too many times in a row.
Other than my year-end recap, I never plan to do “music reviews” in the traditional sense. Everyone else does them, and what’s just one more person’s opinion on something so subjective in the grand scheme? I really don’t see the point. If I’m blogging about a new release song or music video I’d rather put a different spin on my writing and take things in a direction that isn’t strictly a review. In the meantime once a year is probably enough for you to endure my music taste.
Livestreams will continue to happen every month or two and I’ll always post a blog up here a week before the stream begins so you know what to expect. Once again due to time limitations I can’t do them that often, I’d love to have free time every weekend to stream but with multiple jobs, a radio show, a relationship and other activities all competing for space it’s just not going to happen. I’m going to try and give future streams some kind of format so it’s more than just a Q&A session (after all ask.fm fulfills that role). Let me know what you’d like to see in the streams (within reason – my streaming host has a thing about everything being all-ages appropriate content).
That’s all I’ve got to write for now. Any feedback about the blog so far, please put it below. Stay safe on the Internet, kids.