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T-ae wants some cock……….. tail.

Trufax: my first exposure to the word “netizens” was through the title to this video:

I thought “this video is pretty tame, really – what’s a ‘netizen’ anyway, is that some kind of slang for an ultra-sexually conservative Internet censorship body who should be pushed under a bus and forgotten about?”.  Little did I know how close to the truth that initial thought was.

Far more importantly though (because netizens are never important), this video was also my first exposure to Rania.

I didn’t think much of “Dr. Feelgood” (great sounds but so repetitive) or their other song “Pop Pop Pop” but I did like Joy, who looks even better backstage than in the videos.  I especially like her cute and awkward English-speaking accent that sounds like she’s trying to talk and gargle a mouthful of cum at the same time:

Maybe in fact that’s exactly what she was doing, because not long after this documentary was shot, I heard that she left the group amid rumours of her blowing the guy who refilled the coffee machine in Teddy Riley’s recording studio or whoever.  So when a new single of theirs called “Style” was announced, I really wasn’t that interested.  Then of course the song was released and made me look like a fool by turning out to be just about the best goddamn thing in 2012:

I won’t go into the musical elements that make “Style” work for me because that would be technical and boring, even by my standards.  Let’s just say that I like it musically, a lot.  I did find the video a bit dull though, I thought that the “possessive rich guys trying to control Rania by buying them shit to mold them into their idealised image of the perfect trophy girlfriend are told to get fucked” theme was really cool, but I also thought “damn there are some ugly mutts in Rania now that Joy has left”.  That is, until the 1:35 mark when the video pulled out its ace card and my genitals shed white tears of joy.

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Tell me that she’s not practicing her blowjob technique right there, right in the middle of a high-budget music video.  What a thirsty skanky hoe – of course I applaud her wholeheartedly.  Further investigation revealed that this lady is called T-ae, and… well to be honest I didn’t spend any more time investigating jack shit after I found that out, because I was “busy”.  How the fuck I didn’t notice her before is beyond me, but I’ve been following Rania closely ever since, and they’re yet to release an absolute stinking turd of a song this year unlike a lot of other groups I could mention but won’t because I’m a nice guy.  So when T-ae did a guest vocal on some track with Defconn a few days back, I was all over that shit straight away, and you should be too.

Never mind that it sounds like Pitbull and that Defconn looks like your uncle, or that T-ae is only in it for about five seconds.  Those are some of the best five seconds you’re going to see this year, and in fact the whole video is pure gold.  Watch T-ae flirt with the camera intensely enough to make Hyuna look like Lee Hi:

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Even if T-ae is not your type, don’t worry, there’s plenty of other eye candy here:

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Pole-dancing too, without the disadvantage of having to listen to After School’s “First Love” at the same time:

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Then there’s the video director’s daring bid to one-up Bikiny’s latest video as the bustiest in all of k-pop:

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I hope the competition between these two video directors keeps up, it can only lead in good directions.

Maybe that’s all a bit raunchy for you though – perhaps you prefer things a little more subtle and symbolic.  How about this for subtlety?

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(And there I was two weeks ago thinking f(x) were pushing it hoping nobody would notice their uterus-walls video sets.  They slipped right under the radar with that, didn’t they, those cheeky Cao Mi Nas.)

The “I want some COCK…. tail” vocal refrain obviously nicely helps the “this song is about drinking… but not the alcoholic kind” theme along and this is probably the highest concentration of fap in one music video that you’re going to get this year.  You’re welcome.

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