I get misunderstood a lot when I talk about Korean netizens. People always misinterpret what I say as if I’m picking on the poor Korean Internet users and putting netizens from other countries on some kind of pedestal. To show you what I’m talking about, here’s the latest example of many, taken from the comments section of some Netizenbuzz article about some girl supposedly getting dick from EXO members or whatever.
A few points of clarification:
* I didn’t actually say KOREAN netizens in my post, or specify race or culture at all – other (chickenshit anonymous) people brought up the race issue. And then I get called the “racist” one. Irony, no?
* When I refer to “these ones here” I was referring to the netizens who commented on that article specifically, I wasn’t referring to Korean netizens as a whole, but that’s a subtlety that I’m sure the people commenting missed because they all got worked up into a little tizzy of “LOOK HE IS NOT AGREEING WITH EVERYTHING THEY SAY, QUICK, WE MUST PROTECT OUR PRECIOUS KOREAN FRIENDS!!!!!!1!1!”.
* If people stopped acting like a hive-mind, maybe I’d stop talking about them as if they were acting like a hive-mind, now there’s a fucking thought
But hey, if these people wanted to convince me that they are just as stupid as any other netizen from any other country, then I guess they can proudly say “mission accomplished” because I think they just fucking convinced me.
So it’s in the spirit of equality and racial/cultural harmony that I now bring you my thoughts on international netizens, in tried-and-true Angsty Korean Netizen meme format. To differentiate this new meme from the old meme, I’ve flipped over the image (because it’s a different part of the world so they’re looking in a different direction which is a neat metaphor for cultural difference, oh wow you’re so smart Kpopalypse oppar are you single yet) and given the new image a refreshing green tint to indicate the jealously of these people because they weren’t born in Korea. Enjoy.